A Parasitic

Disease will never overwhelm you if your determination to be healthy is strong enough.
CANCER: A Parasitic Infestation
Here are the 4 best ways to get rid of parasites, especially micro parasites.
- Lifestyle change
- Pharmaceutical products
- Natural supplements
- Alternative therapies
Some of these approaches only kills the parasites, while others kills the eggs as well.
Killing parasites can be a daunting task. First of all, when a parasite dies, it becomes extremely toxic to the body and needs to be expelled from the body immediately. When too many parasites die off at the same time, you can experience a Herxheimer reaction where your body reacts drastically to expel the toxins from your body. In layman’s terms, you can get sick, really sick. You can get serious flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, rigors, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, tachycardia, hypotension, hyperventilation, flushing, myalgia, and exacerbation of skin lesions to name a few.
Parasites can build up immunity against some of these treatments. That is why it is extremely important to follow the chosen protocol exactly as it is explained and suggested. You can combine these protocols to achieve a better kill rate, but please bear in mind; this will not speed up the elimination process of the parasites. It will take between 3 to 6 months to eliminate most of the parasites and eggs in your body. You will never be able to be completely parasite free. After 6 months you should be able to maintain low levels of parasites in your body. At that time you should be able to expel them as they come into your body and they will be unable to infest your body again.
Irrespective of the protocol you choose to follow to exterminate the parasites from your body, it is extremely important to drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day to flush out the toxins that will accumulate in your body. Preferably 100 milliliters every hour. To limit the Herxheimer reaction and to add additional effectiveness to any of these protocols, I highly recommend that you add 10 milliliters of 0.3% Chlorine Dioxide Solution to every liter of water you take. There’s a link in the description below if you want to learn more about the Chlorine Dioxide Solution.
Every protocol here has its own pros and cons, and it is up to you to decide which protocol will suit you best. You can however use any and all of them together.
The best parasite killing protocols and its effectiveness,
- Lifestyle Change
- Protocol: SMART Lifestyle Protocol
- Duration: 6 months
- Maintenance: Lifestyle
- Cost: Cheap
- Difficulty: Very Difficult
- Effectiveness: Very Effective
- Other: Parasite kill rate increase over time. Need to change habits.
- Pharmaceuticals
- Protocol: Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Hydroxychloroquine
- Duration: 6 months
- Maintenance: Once a month
- Cost: Moderate
- Difficulty: Easy
- Effectiveness: Effective
- Other: Soon to be regulated again. Does not kill parasite eggs. Recurring expense.
- Claim 10% Discount with Coupon Code "GPDRJF5".
- Natural Supplements
- Protocol: Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement
- Duration: 3 - 6 months
- Maintenance: Reduced daily intake
- Cost: Expensive
- Difficulty: Easy
- Effectiveness: Extremely Effective
- Other: Taste awful! Kills parasite eggs as well. Recurring expense.
- Claim 30% Discount with Coupon Code "nuph30".
- Alternative Therapy
- Protocol: Rife Resonator
- Duration: 3 - 4 months
- Maintenance: Once a month
- Cost: Moderate
- Difficulty: Easy
- Effectiveness: Extremely Effective
- Other: Kills parasite eggs as well. No recurring expense. Can treat many other ailments.
- Claim $150 Discount with Coupon Code "rife150".
Enhance the effectiveness of all of these protocols with Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS).