Whether it was man made or a natural occurrence, we are stuck with the COVID-19 repercussions worldwide. We either believe and follow the World Health Organization’s stance for COVID-19 and willingly get vaccinated or we get vaccinated against our common believes just to keep our jobs, go to school, attend church services, enjoy sporting events, receive medical assistance, operate a bank account, buy groceries and eventually to just live our lives the way we are used to.
The propaganda to demonizing the Unvaccinated is gaining momentum and being steered by the corporate and state media, government and business leaders, health officials, and shrieking fanatics on social media. Soon we will cave under the pressure to receive the vaccine. If we don’t we will be treated by society as a virus much worse than the plaque. Society will not allow you to step out of your home.
Comments: Why does seemingly healthy people suddenly fall over and die, after they have received the vaccine?
What Is Live Blood Analysis
Live Blood Analysis allows you to see the state of health of your own live blood cells, directly on a computer monitor. The blood cells are in direct contact with most of the body and reflect the general health of all of the body tissues. Unlike standard blood tests, Live Blood Analysis results are available immediately and may reflect changes in health long before other tests will detect them.
Find a health practitioner that can do Live Blood Analysis. Your practitioner can give you immediate feedback on nutritional status including Iron, B12 and folic acid, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and lipotropic nutrients. Additionally, the function of white blood cells can be assessed and the presence of parasites, yeast and bacterial infections can be observed. The test also provides information on the effectiveness of your immune system, liver function and digestion.
You will need to provide a drop of blood for the test, which is normally taken from a finger prick with a disposable micro-lancet. This will then be analyzed with a specially designed live blood microscope and displayed on a computer screen for you to see.
Your practitioner will then interpret your results and explain them to you in detail. You’ll also get an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about the process or your results.
Your practitioner will discuss your health goals with you and design a specific health plan to start working on the areas that are out of balance. Generally this will include dietary and lifestyle advice, plus nutritional and herbal supplements such as Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement.

COVID-19 and the VACCINES prescribed by the WHO that is almost forced down our throats have a devastating effect on our blood's oxygen levels resulting in high acidic bodily fluids. This is life threatening!
Here are some pictures of live blood analysis taken from a patient while having COVID-19, then recovered by only taking Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement. The same patient then received the VACCINE 4 months later and complained about shortness of breath. Her live blood analysis shows extremely stacked rulo blood formation. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to strokes, heart attacks and lethal blood clotting. There is an unknown foreign matter in her blood as well (the black web like matter). She started using Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement again, and after 2 months her live blood analysis shows a huge improvement in her blood.
To date Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement is the only supplement that brought forth such positive results against the horrible effects of the VACCINE poison. We believe this is due to the Quantum Technology manufacturing process of Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement.

Patient's live blood analysis while infected with COVID-19 prior to vaccination.

Patient's live blood analysis after using Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement as prescribed for COVID-19 invection.

The same patient's live blood analysis 1 month after receiving the J&J vaccine. Patient have severe stacked Rouleau blood formation.
Black Matter

An unidentified foreign black matter was found in the patient's live blood analysis introduced into her body via the vaccine.

The black matter turned out to be artificially engineered self assembling particles in the vaccines that causes stacked Rouleau blood formation.