Experience the Healing Power of
Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement
An extremely potent mixture of essential oils and herbs to super boost the immune system and kill cancer cells at a cellular level.

1.5 Liter Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement (One Month's Supply)
ONLY $1300
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The Most Effective Cancer Killing Supplement Ever!
For many decades, man has been searching for a cure for diseases. Billions of dollars are spent each year on this quest.
We have developed a product called NU pH’ALANCE that CAN cure almost all diseases. This is a very bold statement to make, but it’s true.
NU pH’ALANCE is a nutritional Anti-Disease supplement which kills bacteria and cleanses the body and blood of toxins. NU pH’ALANCE regulates and rejuvenates you while helping the body to reach an optimum pH balance and boost the immune system. It is a powerful botanical Antiseptic Bacterial, Viral and Fungal killer that supports the body and detoxifies the blood without undesirable side effects.
A dosage of NU pH’ALANCE in the morning and another dosage of NU pH’ALANCE in the evening for an ongoing period of 3 to 4 months WILL kill any disease.
In 1931, Dr Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for his discovery that no disease can exist in an oxygen-rich environment. Furthermore, an oxygen-rich environment has an alkaline tendency and an oxygen-poor environment is acidic. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment and die in an alkaline environment. Based on these facts, we started our quest to produce a safe natural product that can turn the human body into an alkaline environment without any side effects and without any special diet.
You do NOT need to change your diet with NU pH’ALANCE. Change your pH balance from Acidic to Alkaline by only using NU pH’ALANCE.
The most common and widespread disease currently in the world is cancer. With this in mind, we decided to concentrate on a cure for cancer and use the research already done on cancer to fast track our work.
The standard treatment for cancer is Chemo Therapy and Radiation Therapy.
- It is proven that Chemo and radiation cause cancer.
- It is proven that most western diets cause cancer.
- Your average chance of surviving CANCER with chemo therapy, for up to 5 years, is 2.3%.
In 2009 we set out to find a CURE for CANCER and the results were extraordinary. NU pH’ALANCE has up to date achieved phenomenal success rates, not only towards the struggle against Cancer & Tumours, but has also proven to be a successful Immune Booster and treatment against: Aids, Arthritis, Cancer, Candida, Chlamydia, COVID-19, Diabetes, Eczema, Emphysema, Glaucoma, Herpes, Parkinson’s, Prostate, Sores, Skin Acne, STD’s, Stomach Ulcers, Tuberculosis, Tumours, Psoriasis, Scaring, Allergies, Back pain, Bladder infections, Blood Infections, Blurred Eye Vision, Infections (general), Inflammation, Gout, Joint pain, Kidney infections, Neurologic pain, Relieving swelling, Yeast infections, Septic Ulcers, Skin blemishes, Skin infections, Skin rashes, Spider bites, Urinary infections.
It is important to note that NU pH’ALANCE is not a toxic chemical-based medication but a well refined botanical product, constructed from the highest quality blends of botanical extracts produced by advanced Quantum Technology.
Even if one managed to consume the precise measurements of all the ingredients in NU pH’ALANCE on a daily take, it would still not provide the healing effects that NU pH’ALANCE holds. What makes this product so successful is its Nano Colloidal Properties. It enables this organic substance, which was developed using Quantum Technology, to penetrate to the intracellular active site of action. Hence, it takes the herbal formulas right out of the normal format, making it extremely effective.
Quantum Technology enhances the detoxification process by six fold; it pulls toxic metals, fungus and yeast out of the body & blood, leaving the system free of viruses and bacteria. It encloses the toxins in its revolutionary Nano-sized particles and once enclosed, these toxins are rendered harmless so that the body can dispose of them in a natural way, allowing nutrients to enter the cell quicker to aid repair.
In layman's term, instead of having a platoon to defend you against the enemy, you now have a whole army, air force and navy to attack and destroy the enemy.
NU pH’ALANCE offers 3 x primary benefits which are super enhanced with our Quantum Technology:
- 1. Balancing the body's PH levels
- 2. Detoxify the body & blood from toxicities…
- 3. Fights diseases head-on at a cellular level with the help of its meticulously selected ingredients.
NU pH’ALANCE can kill cancer. Unfortunately, we are only permitted to sell NU pH’ALANCE as a dietary supplement and not as a medication that cures cancer.
NU pH’ALANCE is extremely effective at restoring the oxygen levels in the blood for COVID-19 infected and vaccinated people. It restores the blood's polarity which in turn prevents clogging and reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.
Suggested Dosage
- Immune boost - 10ml per day monthly
- Detox - (30ml) 2 x 15ml per day for 1 month
- Chronic diseases - (50ml) 2 x 25ml per day for 3 to 4 months
- COVID-19 Vaccinated (Long COVID) - (50ml) 2 x 25ml per day for 3 to 4 months and thereafter (20ml) 2 x 10ml per day monthly
To achieve the best and fastest results from NU pH’ALANCE Essential Oil Supplement, it must be used in collaboration with the SMART Lifestyle Protocol.
Fast Relief
The potential fast relief that Nu pH'alance provides lies within Quantum Technology.
Even if one managed to consume the precise measurements of all the above-mentioned individual essential oils on a daily basis, it would still not provide the healing effects that Nu pH'alance holds.
What makes this supplement so successful is it’s nano-colloidal properties. It enables this organic substance, which was developed using Quantum Technology, to penetrate to the intracellular active site of action. Hence, it takes the herbal formulas right out of the normal format, making them extremely effective.
Quantum Technology enhances the detoxification process by six fold. It pulls toxic metals, fungus and yeast out of the body & blood, leaving the system free of viruses and bacteria. It encloses the toxins in its revolutionary nano-sized particles and once enclosed, these toxins are rendered harmless so that the body can dispose of them in a natural way, allowing nutrients to enter the cell quicker to aid repair.
In layman's term, instead of having a platoon to defend you against the enemy, you now have a whole army, air force and navy to attack and destroy the enemy.

1.5 Liter Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement (One Month's Supply)
ONLY $1300
Get up to 25% OFF on every purchase when you subscribe to Commonsense-Health.com!
Essential Oils used and their Benefits



















1.5 Liter Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement (One Month's Supply)
ONLY $1300
Get up to 25% OFF on every purchase when you subscribe to Commonsense-Health.com!
Quantum Technology
Advantages of Nano Delivery system
- - Enhanced stability
- - Target specific tissue and cells
- - Deliver through lymphatic system
- - Minimize first pass metabolism
- - Improve bio availability
- - Reduced toxicity
- - Trough slow releases it can potentially reduce dosage and dose frequency
- - Targeted to the immune system
What makes Nu pH'alance so successful is it’s nano colloidal properties. It may enable this organic substance, which was developed using Quantum Technology, to penetrate to the intracellular active site of action. Hence it could potentially take the herbal formulas right out of the normal format making it extremely effective.
Background of Nanomedicine.
What's So Special about the Nanoscale?
Scale at which Quantum Effects Dominate Properties of Materials
When particle sizes of solid matter in the visible scale are compared to what can be seen in a regular optical microscope, there is little difference in the properties of the particles. But when particles are created with dimensions of about 1–100 nanometers (where the particles can be “seen” only with powerful specialized microscopes), the materials’ properties change significantly from those at larger scales. This is the size scale where so-called quantum effects rule the behavior and properties of particles. Properties of materials are size-dependent in this scale range. Thus, when particle size is made to be nanoscale, properties such as melting point, fluorescence, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and chemical reactivity change as a function of the size of the particle.
Nanoscale gold illustrates the unique properties that occur at the nanoscale. Nanoscale gold particles are not the yellow color with which we are familiar; nanoscale gold can appear red or purple. At the nanoscale, the motion of the gold’s electrons is confined. Because this movement is restricted, gold nanoparticles react differently with light compared to larger-scale gold particles. Their size and optical properties can be put to practical use: nanoscale gold particles selectively accumulate in tumors, where they can enable both precise imaging and targeted laser destruction of the tumor by means that avoid harming healthy cells.
A fascinating and powerful result of the quantum effects of the nanoscale is the concept of “tunability” of properties. That is, by changing the size of the particle, a scientist can literally fine-tune a material property of interest (e.g., changing fluorescence color; in turn, the fluorescence color of a particle can be used to identify the particle, and various materials can be “labeled” with fluorescent markers for various purposes). Another potent quantum effect of the nanoscale is known as “tunneling,” which is a phenomenon that enables the scanning tunneling microscope and flash memory for computing.
Scale at Which Much of Biology Occurs
Over millennia, nature has perfected the art of biology at the nanoscale. Many of the inner workings of cells naturally occur at the nanoscale. For example, hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the body, is 5.5 nanometers in diameter. A strand of DNA, one of the building blocks of human life, is only about 2 nanometers in diameter.
Drawing on the natural nanoscale of biology, many medical researchers are working on designing tools, treatments, and therapies that are more precise and personalized than conventional ones—and that can be applied earlier in the course of a disease and lead to fewer adverse side-effects. One medical example of nanotechnology is the bio-barcode assay, a relatively low-cost method of detecting disease-specific biomarkers in the blood, even when there are very few of them in a sample. The basic process, which attaches “recognition” particles and DNA “amplifiers” to gold nanoparticles, was originally demonstrated at Northwestern University for a prostate cancer biomarker following prostatectomy. The bio-barcode assay has proven to be considerably more sensitive than conventional assays for the same target biomarkers, and it can be adapted to detect almost any molecular target.
Growing understanding of nanoscale biomolecular structures is impacting other fields than medicine. Some scientists are looking at ways to use nanoscale biological principles of molecular self-assembly, self-organization, and quantum mechanics to create novel computing platforms. Other researchers have discovered that in photosynthesis, the energy that plants harvest from sunlight is nearly instantly transferred to plant “reaction centers” by quantum mechanical processes with nearly 100% efficiency (little energy wasted as heat). They are investigating photosynthesis as a model for “green energy” nanosystems for inexpensive production and storage of nonpolluting solar power.
Scale at which Surfaces and Interfaces Play a Large Role in Materials Properties and Interactions
Nanoscale materials have far larger surface areas than similar masses of larger-scale materials. As surface area per mass of a material increases, a greater amount of the material can come into contact with surrounding materials, thus affecting reactivity.
A simple thought experiment shows why nanoparticles have phenomenally high surface areas. A solid cube of a material 1 cm on a side has 6 square centimeters of surface area, about equal to one side of half a stick of gum. But if that volume of 1 cubic centimeter were filled with cubes 1 mm on a side, that would be 1,000 millimeter-sized cubes (10 x 10 x 10), each one of which has a surface area of 6 square millimeters, for a total surface area of 60 square centimeters—about the same as one side of two-thirds of a 3” x 5” note card. When the 1 cubic centimeter is filled with micrometer-sized cubes—a trillion (1012) of them, each with a surface area of 6 square micrometers—the total surface area amounts to 6 square meters, or about the area of the main bathroom in an average house. And when that single cubic centimeter of volume is filled with 1-nanometer-sized cubes—1021 of them, each with an area of 6 square nanometers—their total surface area comes to 6,000 square meters. In other words, a single cubic centimeter of cubic nanoparticles has a total surface area one-third larger than a football field!

Illustration demonstrating the effect of the increased surface area provided by nanostructured materials
One benefit of greater surface area—and improved reactivity—in nanostructured materials is that they have helped create better catalysts. As a result, catalysis by engineered nanostructured materials already impacts about one-third of the huge U.S.—and global—catalyst markets, affecting billions of dollars of revenue in the oil and chemical industries. An everyday example of catalysis is the catalytic converter in a car, which reduces the toxicity of the engine’s fumes. Nanoengineered batteries, fuel cells, and catalysts can potentially use enhanced reactivity at the nanoscale to produce cleaner, safer, and more affordable modes of producing and storing energy.
Large surface area also makes nanostructured membranes and materials ideal candidates for water treatment and desalination, among other uses. It also helps support “functionalization” of nanoscale material surfaces (adding particles for specific purposes), for applications ranging from drug delivery to clothing insulation.

1.5 Liter Nu pH'alance Essential Oil Supplement (One Month's Supply)
ONLY $1300
Get up to 25% OFF on every purchase when you subscribe to Commonsense-Health.com!