
Disease will never overwhelm you if your determination to be healthy is strong enough.
Pharmaceutical Parasite Killers
There are various anti parasitic drugs on the market with various contradicting success and failure testimonies. These includes Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Hydroxychloroquine and so forth. The reason for this is the miss-application of these drugs. Parasites can become resistant to these drugs extremely fast. If a parasite are poisoned by one of these drugs and can still manage to lay eggs before it dies, the hatchlings of those eggs will be immune against that drug. If you do not switch the drugs you use to kill the parasites, the parasites will build up immunity against that drug and that drug will be worthless. Your parasite infestation will only grow bigger and bigger.
Buy your Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Hydroxychloroquine here.
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To follow the pharmaceutical protocol, I recommend you to use Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Hydroxychloroquine.
Start with Ivermectin on day one. Take one 12 milligram pill in the morning and one 12 milligram pill in the evening. If you experience a Herxheimer reaction that is too much for you to bear, then half the dosage for the time being. Take half a pill at a time. Take these dosages for three days. Then stop taking it for four days. On day eight start again. Take one 12 milligram pill in the morning and one 12 milligram pill in the evening for three consecutive days. Take half a pill if the Herxheimer reaction is too much. After the three days of taking Ivermectin, stop for 4 days.
On day fifteen, switch to Fenbendazole. Take one 3 gram pill in the morning and one 3 gram pill in the evening. If you experience a Herxheimer reaction that is too much for you to bear, then half the dosage for the time being. Take half a pill at a time. Take these dosages for three days. Then stop taking it for four days. On day twenty two start again. Take one 3 gram pill in the morning and one 3 gram pill in the evening for three consecutive days. Take half a pill if the Herxheimer reaction is too much. After the three days of taking Fenbendazole, stop for 4 days.
On day twenty nine, switch to Hydroxychloroquine. Take one 400 milligram pill in the morning and one 400 milligram pill in the evening. If you experience a Herxheimer reaction that is too much for you to bear, then half the dosage for the time being. Take half a pill at a time. Take these dosages for three days. Then stop taking it for four days. On day thirty six start again. Take one 400 milligram pill in the morning and one 400 milligram pill in the evening for three consecutive days. Take half a pill if the Herxheimer reaction is too much. After the three days of taking Hydroxychloroquine, stop for 4 days.
On day forty three start the cycle again from day one with the Ivermectin. Continue this complete cycle four times. This will take you six months.
If the dosage is too much, take only half of it and try to increase it over time again, but do not veer from the schedule.
The easiest way to get Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Hydroxychloroquine, is to order it online from Grant Pharmacy.
The pharmaceutical protocol is one of the easiest to follow to expel parasites from your body. It does not kill parasite eggs and after the initial six months it does require maintenance dosages.
Also, do bear in mind that soon these drugs will become controlled substances and will only be available with medical doctor prescriptions.
Another option to get rid of parasites is by using a Rife Resonator.