
Disease will never overwhelm you if your determination to be healthy is strong enough.
Just by treating the symptoms of the disease does not solve the cause of the disease. By focusing only on the manifested result of the disease ie. a tumor, lump or pain, does not cure the disease.
Many of the treatments listed here focus on the manifested results of the disease. Some are very effective to remove or destroy tumors. That is fantastic in the short term, but does not resolve the origin of the tumor. The same disease (low pH) will manifest again as another tumor or something else if it is not removed from your body.
By combining some of these protocols will destroy any tumors and will eradicate the disease (low pH) from your body. Some of these protocols are easy to follow, but others are extremely difficult, especially when one doesn't understand them entirely. By following the protocols given in the members area, it will become easier to follow and it will become a habit to live healthy and maintain a disease free (high pH - 7.2+) body.
Treatments & Protocols
You need to have the desire to become healthy, wealthy, successful and happy. Whatever your desires are, these guides will help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
Search your soul and make peace with the universe and yourself by forgiving every harm that has ever caused you pain. This guide will help you to put the past behind you.
Make time to pray or meditate daily. Communicate on a spiritual level with yourself and the divinity that you pray to. These guides may assist you spiritually.
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life.
Our stress levels are directly related to our emotional wellbeing, which in turn have a detrimental impact on our bodies and its pH levels.
Exercise at least 30 min per day... If you don't do any exercise yet, just go for a walk. Get your body moving.
Positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
Share your experience about your disease with others who also suffer from the disease and encourage them with love and your journey to become disease free.
The sun can do plenty of good things for your body — soaking up some sunlight can do wonders for your mind, bones, and more.
Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth.
EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a form of energy work which combines acupressure and neuro-linguistic programming.
This is your initial first offence against any tumor. Flaxseed is the richest source of lignan on earth and that has shown in many studies to reduce the size of cancerous tumors.
Juicing, a process that involves extracting the nutritious juices from fresh fruits and vegetables, has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Sound is a frequency that influence our lives either positively or negatively. We are what we listen to.
Experiencing deep relaxation from time to time is essential for you to be able to function at your peak performance.
When you fall asleep your body enters a resting state that is essential to our personal wellbeing.
In a world of trending diets and food fads, don’t forget the benefits of simply eating whole foods.
Today, we live in a time when manufactured medicines and prescriptions prevail, but do they have to be the only approach to healing?
The therapeutic use of essential oils extracted from plants can improve our mental and physical well-being, from bringing better sleep to curing a headache.
Cannabis oils are considered to be extremely beneficial and helpful for people with severe illnesses, such as cancer, fibromyalgia, anxiety, PTSD, epilepsy, and other conditions.
In addition to being delicious, some herbal teas have health-promoting properties. In fact, herbal teas have been used as natural remedies for a variety of ailments for hundreds of years.
This is the only product that can balance your body's pH levels, kill cancer cells and regenerate damage cells and tissue within 3 - 4 months without changing your diet.
Everything in the universe is energy. All of this energy vibrates on different frequencies. Every person has their own vibration.
There are few simple pleasures in life that feel quite as nice as stepping outside and getting a deep breath of fresh air.
Hydrotherapy is the use of water, both internally and externally and at varying temperatures, for health purposes.
LED light therapy is a popular noninvasive skin treatment for acne, sun damage, wounds, and other skin problems.
We know the idea of using charcoal seems intimidating – don’t shy away just yet, there are a variety of activated charcoal uses for you to explore.
Don't suppress your tears! Crying is beneficial to your health in more ways that you can ever imagine.
Cancer Stimulants
Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food, or of one form of food into other forms.
Pharmaceutical products - also known as drugs - are special preparations used in modern medicine.
Animal protein, wheat, gluten, dairy, refined and processed foods, as well as common substances like coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco are all high acidifying foods.
While some forms of technology may have made positive changes in the world, there is evidence for the negative effects of technology and its overuse, as well.
The COVID-19 Vaccine is poison. It will turn your body's Ph acidic and it will cause havoc in your body. Eventually it will kill you.